amargo85 (86)
Hello! I’m **amargo85**, and I have 10 years of programming experience. Currently, I’m a __teacher__ and a __freelancer__ in my spare time, always looking to share knowledge and learn something new. I’m proud to have developed the [PlayStation Couch]( website. At the moment, I’m working with the amazing team at __Chat-to.dev__. I’m always ready to face new challenges and continue improving my skills. Join the platform and let's exchange ideas and grow together!
Posts 135 Posts
Moderating 4 Room
Let the guys relieve their stress 🍆🍆
I saw it in my son who was being judged for being 13 and not yet having a mobile phone, and that's not because I can't afford it but because of the strict upbringing I want to implement in my family. For me, the sooner you have these machines in your hand, the more addicted you become.
poor education, bleak future
that's good news for me :P
Two fatal crashes involving the Boeing 737 MAX were attributed to a software error in the control system. Images of the wreckage and the public commotion showed the devastating impact of bugs in safety-critical systems. <br>~The chief project engineer for Boeing’s 737 Max jet told House investigators that he approved a critical design change to software on the plane, even though he was unaware of key details about how it worked or of a previous warning from a test pilot that if the...
even with the need to reduce the use of the DOM, I still prefer to create such things using javascript. But that's probably because it's the language I'm most proficient in :P
A series of accounts of major personalities, including that of Elon Musk, were hacked in a Bitcoin fraud scheme. The posts suggested that Musk was donating Bitcoins, which caused confusion and led to many jokes.
In 1999, the world feared a technological disaster due to the millennium bug (Y2K), where systems that stored years with two digits (for example, “99” for 1999) could interpret the year 2000 as 1900, causing failures in financial systems, banks, and other sectors. Millions were spent on upgrades, and although the effects were mitigated, the effort around it was a milestone.
he wouldn't be able to change this because the condition value is stored in a database. the alertH class is only used to style the text [Hidden post]
the hide not for all of them, just not to be listed in the recent posts, the most voted posts and the 8 posts on the home page
can you explain it better?
I don't know if you agree with me, but the idea of someone looking at you with glasses full of AI and suddenly having some information about you would bother me. I'm not saying it doesn't have its benefits, but... for me, I'm not sure I'd enjoy it.
all the same shit, pretend to be against it but it's the same shit that supports the same shit🤬🤬
could you mention more podcasts you've been watching or listening to?
There are many factors that can lead even talented programmers into difficult financial situations, such as poor investment decisions, overspending, mental or physical health issues, among others. Although there are no extensive public lists of “talented programmers who ended up destitute”, some stories of programmers who faced financial difficulties are widely known in the technology industry. Below are some of the names and factors that can illustrate this issue: ## <br>1....
But here it comes, if you decide to “simulate” these actions with css your code becomes very long and as a consequence the performance of your app suffers.
the example you showed applies to a single EVENT (the onClick event) in js and it commits many other events. In this case, js cannot be ignored by css. ![event](
and it's true! they don't care about anything but money
Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub in 2018 for US$7.5 billion was a landmark moment in the technology industry, especially in software development. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, and Chris Wanstrath, co-founder and former CEO of GitHub, were the central figures in this deal. This purchase meant a major change of perspective, as GitHub is one of the most popular platforms for collaborative code development, while Microsoft has historically been viewed with some resistance by the free...
no no, in example 3 the classList acts as two functions “add” and “remove” and this means that when an event is triggered it adds or removes an element on the page. that's why js is never ignored
Images from the Mars Climate Orbiter, which was lost due to a unit conversion error, are used as an example of software engineering failures. [](
The “Mother of All Demos”, where Douglas Engelbart presented the first mouse and graphical interface, was recorded and the images are iconic in the history of computing. What kind of mouse do you use for programming? I'm using [this]( simple one, but it's enough for me. ATTENTION, THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT
stay with Brave and you'll be happier 😅
In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student, announced Linux, an open source operating system, to the world. This marked the beginning of a revolution in the development of operating systems based on free software. I don't know what the world of computer security would be without the existence of Linux, because for me it's a very important element in it
And just to remind you that emotional distance, fatigue and overload, changes in Apple's culture and focus on his own empire were the reasons that led Jony Ive to leave the company
A software error caused an Ariane 5 rocket to explode just 37 seconds after launch. The bug involved the incorrect conversion of a floating point number to an integer, resulting in a catastrophic failure and huge financial losses.
at least they are seeing which way these things are taking humanity and are doing something to stop them spreading any further. **i support the attitude of the chinese government**
AI🤖 AI🤖 AI🤖 AI everywhere, I don't know why but for me now everything connected with it is worthless
At a conference in 2012, when asked about his relationship with Nvidia, he didn't hesitate to show his displeasure with the company's poor support for Linux. Linus raised his middle finger and said “Nvidia, fuck you!”**. The gesture was filmed and went viral in the programming community. The situation became an inside joke about the tense relationship between the open source world and large technology corporations. <br>Now I'm wondering which tech company I'm...
Do they have an API that can help collect this data?
**Joi Ito (1966-2020)** Director of the MIT Media Lab and investor in several innovative technology companies. His vision shaped the future of the internet, but he passed away due to health complications at the age of 54. --- **Ian Murdock (1973-2015)** Founder of the Debian project, one of the most widely used open source operating systems. Murdock died at the age of 42 in tragic and controversial circumstances, shaking the free software community. --- **Hal Finney...
Don't get me wrong, this isn't an ad but I found it interesting and decided to share it here. So have any of you used this app?
I mean, the guy fills his pocket full of money with other people's tragedies and now he says he's tired of apologizing?
that's right.
so that those made redundant will have more time to work on their own tools and make a new business out of it. Some time ago I read an article about the same case, with some Goolge workers who had to set up their own businesses to survive
I think what they're trying to do is give the user a mix of current and older results.
it really sucks when that happens
But have they only just thought of this? or is it something that comes with a giant package of ads 😅
i partly agree with this! i have always used the app safely and i have never had any problems that compromised my personal information or data
I'm already imagining the fees to be charged for this! but a way to line their pockets. Fuck them all
If these measures allow our applications and websites to be ranked more easily, that's good enough for me
I think all of them end up doing that, money will always speak louder and privacy and trust will go down the drain
i just hope that such moderation doesn't suffocate users and cause many to flee the app, as happened with reddit, which is now in the shitter shape it's in.
excellent! some programmers always tend to solve things first and therefore leave the security of their applications in the background. The data cited above by Mr. [Majdi]( is very relevant. Thanks for your comment
But don't you think we'd have to buy storage devices all the time? Wouldn't it be better to pay for an [icloud]( and store some things there?
the fucked up thing about all this is that companies always take advantage
i can only imagine how much the development team and others must be suffering to keep everything in order on the site and in the app. Not to mention that when there's mass adherence, people in bad faith take advantage of this to bring down the system
my question is: can a good backend programmer have great mastery of how to scale a robust application? in my view, I don't think so
and from what I've read today there are already a lot of people wanting to create new tools to replace <span style='color: red;'>X</span> there, the problem is that many think that it's just about knowing how to code and that's all.
Hopefully some Brazilian programmers will come here too hahahah
there are many things in this text that I agree with
how can you improve this? this platform was made for sharing knowledge
It could be a case of lack of knowledge or fear of installing too many things on your machines.
That's right, we are the government's greatest fear, and that's why our wishes always come second to theirs.
I think they depend on our choice
functions that do not benefit the company are either not implemented or the level of difficulty to access them will always be more complex
I believe there is no correlation between them, I don't know....
This makes me think that any of us is at risk of being attacked. And with the implementation of some language models, the tendency is only to increase this risk more and more.
wow! in order to have a direction on how to comment on your post I think it would be appropriate for you to leave some guidance in it. how long have you been programming in javascript? You can call me in one of the rooms and I'll help you, because javascript is my favorite language.
I think it was worth the wait. The ruby people have to come here and contribute
let's let an expert answer that
i didn't know we already had 4 and they're already preparing 5? can someone make me understand?
how do you define a good error log?
it seems that this post no longer makes sense these days! i like the idea of how people are coming here, quite organically.
by the way, i wanted to access your github from your profile and i couldn't find it there. i think you should add it, because in the post you ask to access your github for anyone who wants to access the script > You can refer to my GitHub account to review the scripts implementing this approach, which utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL.
first of all I'd like to say “excellent idea!👏👏” but I have a question. > you gotta slap your name at the top left corner of your resume, capiche? Stick it in the middle and it’s a no-go! Only use black ink and this specific font—no exceptions! Ditch the tables! Wrap dates in quotes! Make those headings pop! And keep it to one page, got it? and how do you plan to solve these limitations presented to users? Wouldn't it be better to have the system organize this...
I've seen it written like this in various books and websites, so I decided to imitate it 😅 here's an example👇 ![linkCpp](
I particularly use databases for large applications and websites that store very important information. I use JSON for simpler things. But I agree with you that a database is always worth more than a JSON file. By the way, what technologies have you been working with for your projects?
what level of expertise do you have in mobile development? it's something I'd like to have someone to exchange experiences with. If you'd like to talk more about it, please call me [<u>in this room</u>](
How interesting! Is this a new implementation? Just a note, for URLs always use markdown to create a direct link
but it is important for storing data in small applications
😂 it looks like it will
I think I'm too old for that
Take a look at this function And tell us if it helps [<u>Sanitize fields</u>](
do these tools continue to receive updates?
I've never used any of them but I see a lot of people talking about WP so from what I've read in the article, and in case one day I need to use one, I'd stick with WP. My question is this: do these tools have an acceptable level of security? Can we build client applications securely?
for those who want to promote and even showcase new products and services, their days are numbered on this social network😕.
there are many forms of attack... and that scares developers to some extent. That's why knowledge of cyber security is always worthwhile
I very much hope that [Cyberat]( will see the answer and leave a comment saying that everything is in order. Well, in my opinion and from the tests I've carried out, the answer is correct.
Because chaos would be worse
All this leads me to think that no matter how much we spend on certain solutions, we are not exempt from making serious mistakes. All this could mean that this company will never again have the same level of customer confidence. For product developers, we must be vigilant and continue to test even when our solutions, services and products are already in production.
### excellent
I'm not talking about the attack itself, but also about: 1. Database abstraction: PDO offers a consistent interface for interacting with different types of databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc.), making it easy to switch from one database to another without having to rewrite the SQL code. 2. Flexibility: PDO allows you to execute transactions, manipulate large data sets and use different database drivers with a single interface. 3. Portability: Using PDO, it is possible to...
```php // config.php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = ""; $dbname = "SecureLoginSystem"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } ``` **PDO connections** are much more secure and in my opinion your code should be modified for this here👇 ```php $host = 'localhost'; $data =...
in which real-life cases can it be used?
I would actually like to know in a more simplified way what the problem is and how it is being solved. At my level I can see and understand part of what the post is about, but I believe that less experienced people with some curiosity will find it very complex to understand the post. I would actually like to know in a more simplified way what the problem is and how it is being solved. At my level I can see and understand part of what the post is about, but I believe that less experienced people...
good! i think you did the right thing. sites that don't allow such actions do so in order not to encourage people of bad faith to do such things.
But there are many times when, even if we test thoroughly, there are things we can miss when it comes to the security of our applications. I believe that feedback from other users who utilise the service makes teams improve their security tools and not only their security tools, but also their security tools.
it would be very important for users who have mastered other languages not to feel confused, especially beginners
excellent! Would the methods used in these examples work for node.js, ruby and python programmers? or would the approach be completely different?
wouldn't it be better to create a function to sanitise the input fields? something more robust and complete. something more or less [like that](
without wishing to exaggerate the post has so much educational and professional information that I will need to read it more often. The approach itself transports us to an environment that for many ‘Modern’ programmers is a real 7-headed monster. But it ends up leading us to more efficient and secure solutions. The only complaint I have is that you should use more...
excellent approach! i'm impressed by the data presented here.
the problem is that there are a lot of people saying that the language is dying.
I'm waiting for the post. No, we can't send files when we create our posts, it's only possible in chat rooms. And on the other hand, when you need to write an address you can use Markdown so we can immediately access the link. [here's]( an explanation of how to use markdown for links
you could show in practice the points mentioned such as error handling and keyword storage
My intention with this post is to correct a mistake that many beginner programmers have, which is to always do the same things at first. Our creativity also helps us to improve and become better programmers. That's why it's important to think differently
I brought it just to see how other people could use it in their activities. Because I don't see myself in it
i think this will bring us closer to the platform. i've always wanted to participate in some way in the podcasts i listen to but i've never had a way to do it. now with this i think it will be possible. what podcast do you listen to the most?
Mentioning their most important work: 1. **George Hotz (geohot)**: Known for his early work hacking the iPhone and PlayStation 3, George Hotz founded, an autonomous driving technology company. Elon Musk has already praised his programming and innovation skills. 2. **John Carmack**: Famous for his work at companies such as id Software (creator of iconic games such as Doom and Quake) and Oculus VR, John Carmack is widely recognized as a programming genius. Elon Musk has expressed...
that's one I liked! there's a lot there that deserves a listener's guess
In this post I've listed just 10 programmers who have contributed a lot to web development and beyond. Giving credit to the only woman on the list is <b style='color: yellow;'>Mitchell Baker</b> Founder and programmer of Mozilla Firefox, one of the most popular browsers that has helped shape the modern web. Help yourself to the names and achievements of the other programmers featured in the images
good! that way you don't take away from the style of your post
Edit the post. something's wrong with it. the characters have left the main div
at first glance, yes, it seems really easy. as someone who's quite curious, even though it's not my development language, I'll be trying the next steps. Just a tip, shouldn't the title of the post start with a capital letter? 😃😃😃😃 but yes, it doesn't matter, because what counts most is the content
i didn't know about it. but i'm going to do a search and try to learn more about the technology
you're going to need it. because there's a lot that can come along to somehow pass on bad information or teach the wrong way, and this content is passed on from user to user, thus causing more people to learn the wrong way.
yes yes, count yes
Interesting list. but you should have added anchors to the links to take us directly to the songs.
there are more and more laws invading our most private space and that's very bad
I've never done anything with Oracle either, so I don't know how to answer that question. I only use MySQL and PostgreSQL in my applications 1. [Oracle SQL beginner tutorials]( 2. [Oracle Database 11g Building Oracle XML DB Applications](
**Answering some of the questions**: 1.a: at the beginning of my learning I used a lot of facebook groups as a source of research and also Stackoverflow 2.a: I stopped using Facebook groups because, over time, some of them turned into a conspiracy and strayed too far from the essence of the group. 6.a: I think simply banning anything that appears to be AI content 7.a: I wouldn't be the right person to answer that one. But, yes, I think is a tool that contributes...
but I see that the next updates will be more compact
the pressure was brutal from your users. and it looks like it's one of your favorites :)
we'll use it later, for now we're setting things up around here. would you like to work with us on this?
The question is: would you buy one?
I'm already using it, and honestly it's very good
did you ever use [orkut](
the problem is that Apple is very keen on quality and security and this means that they don't allow certain services to have access to your data. And in this case I agree with them
Kkkkkkk the person who creates it will also want to add some way of making money from it
I'm still very loyal to Apple's services and products, so I'm really looking forward to what's to come. What product from this company would you spend money on?
but there are times when you have to change a lot of things because the audience you want to reach asks for it and you see the need to do so. as happened here with this website, at the beginning the idea of the post feature was not paramount but now, and with the requests of our users, we are already implementing new things to this feature.
that's great! i use both apps a lot and now i'll have the chance to increase my range of friendships
I wouldn't believe that algorithm
and with it many of the applications of those who created it. but one thing is certain, facebook is still the place where many people earn and make money.
my video game site [Playstation Couch]( has been approved and I'd like to share my experience with anyone who wants to join. There's always someone who wants to. because it wasn't easy
it must be dangerous to use this type of tank 😂😂
the ads are annoying and the users and i never liked them. but i have friends who look for this service
4 will be more than enough for me
hahaha wait, the water's on its way I'm actually thinking of buying a Raspiberry Pi to build some crazy stuff too kkkkk
well thought out! yes sir, the inventors deserve applause 👏👏
What a piece of shit!!! I'm seriously thinking of buying one hahaha
good! i'll do some research on that too. thanks
you can name some of these generators here
I have two visions, I've never liked a site with a lot of features (although it's necessary) so I try not to apply too many in my projects. Secondly, if it needs to grow, then join up with someone else who has your vision and work together. Now, trying to do things on your own, I think that rarely works out
I'm already taking a look, I'm very interested in these things and I never waste time hahaha. I know I'm still going to be as good at this as I am at Javascript
i think i would need more time to learn and participate in this event. i've been working on a lot of things together and i don't think i can learn it that quickly
this time the gun went in hahaha
![comments]( the comments after I asked on HN itself why it's turning into a graveyard of dead links. For me it was one of the platforms that I most enjoyed reading and posting my news on. But now it's getting harder and harder
In fact, I used to contribute a lot to it, but after coming across this cemetery.... I lost all desire to go there
too formal for my taste 😣. The small forums now have more meaning than the big companies, I've felt more at ease on them than on Facebook.
the worst thing is that little by little AI will take over everything and the internet will be full of Robots telling us what to do next :-(
good! i've been sticking with Bing lately and that's enough for me
is still the biggest. Our mission is to mold the platform to the needs of our users and that's what will make us bigger than a lot. we're only 4 months old and we're already visited by everyone. we don't want to implement a lot of things, we just want to be what our users need.
that makes me think of the end of the company
for this reason and many others such as privacy and excessive advertising i'm running out of social networks because i'm deleting all my accounts. the internet used to be more interesting to me than it is now. ~(>_<。)\
is this the only reason why all these people have left the site or is there more to it? because I believe there is
Lately, I've been visiting these sites to check out what's new in programming and look for some solutions: []( and [medium]( I think I'll find better content there
the problem with stack overflow is the amount of “unclean” code and errors in certain applications. this has made me look less for the platform
if it's not fun, I don't care anymore
I honestly think you should [<u>create a room</u>]( here where we can talk about topics that aren't related to the posts. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you
[Mr.fschmidt]( don't you want to leave your opinion on any of these topics?[<u>Trends</u>](
wow, you seem to be developing some interesting things [Mr. fschmidt]( Do you already have something you can show us?
i think mechanical keyboards are pretty cool. i like to hear the sound of the keys clack clack clack when i'm typing.
but do you agree that some of the things they invented are quite good for humanity?
If so, you can add a few more or even reprove the ones that are already here.
for me, the only thing wrong with all of these is Neuralink. and I see that so many people are already using this crap.
What I don't understand is how large companies are still using database caching
[@fschmidt](, isn't it important to use Git if you have more than one person working on an application? because I only see Git as necessary for that.
👏 excellent post! the highlight of this content is that many people, even though they know this, prefer to waste time on futile things and then, when they go to the job market, they realize that they've wasted a lot of time on things that don't add anything and they miss out on great opportunities.
i got some great pointers from this post. and i hope to see more of the same [Mr. @someRandomGuy](
você é Brasileiro?
[@someRandomGuy]( we've just added a form for direct replies to comments. we'll add improvements soon but for now I think it's helpful.
[@someRandomGuy]( we're already working on it. We'll have it available soon
someone pointed out this site as a good way to see good performance 😁😁😁 [](
I found your website very interesting. But can you tell us what they're teaching that shouldn't be taught? Or what shit are they doing to make new programmers dumber and dumber? In your opinion, of course
Now I agree with you, Mr fschmidt. It's not at all difficult to write Javascript and I believe we have better control over our code. I hardly use frame works myself and I get criticised a lot by other programmers.😕
I took this comment from user `fschmidt` from the website []( talking about the Rust language > Rust is yet another disgusting modern language.
very simple answer. lacked a bit of detail😊
if you want to create a more robust or even simplified version of the code, you can create a post and I'll comment on it ;-)
add a variable with the tags you want to allow, like: $allow_tags = `<h1><form><button><img>; and add it to the strip_tags($var, $allow_tags)` function;
in this example I'm using React.js
what I'm enjoying most about the site is the way the codes are presented. good organization and very efficient content

Tutorial: Creating and Using Reusable Components in React


Detail the algorithm below


Introduction to Dynamic Web Content


Three simple steps on how to create a javascript game


Fuzzing HTTP URLs


How to declare variables in java


Fuzzing JavaScript URLs


Google Hacking, advanced operators


RUST - Understanding integers and floats


Six things I did to learn to program


Dynamic CSS Example


Find the smallest number among three numbers in python


Javascript Queue algorithm


Javascript star rating system


Multiple file picking and local image display


For beginner, geolocation with html5 👊🏻


Node js REPL Console


Want to show your users the time on your site? then check out


Build a simple landing page for a product with HTML and CSS


Sorting algorithm with javascript


Conclusion [Tutorial] Text arranger with html5


[Tutorial] Text arranger with html5


How to use variables correctly in javascript


Use Prompt for Page Exit Confirmations


Javascript Classes and User-Defined Functions


Today we're going to create a react js component that displays two tabs


What will the technology trends be for us in 2024?


Javascript - arrow functions


How to work with style in javascript


We know that elite programmers have some secrets. Here are some of them