GitHub Actions Workflow for Building APK

**GitHub Actions Workflow for Building APK** This GitHub Actions workflow automates the process of building an APK from your Android project. It sets up the necessary environment, builds the APK, and handles errors effectively to provide useful debugging information. **Features** - Checkout code from the repository. - Set up JDK 11 using Temurin distribution. - Install Android SDK with specified API level and build tools version. - Run the Gradle build process with detailed logging and stack traces. - Upload the built APK as an artifact if the build is successful. - Print build logs and directory contents for debugging in case of failure. https://github.com/majdi-php-sql/webtoapp

(4) Comments

I wish I had found this post last night I had to create it from scratch. While we're at it, do you know of any good actions that generate the changelog based on commits and that dry Conventional Commits? I have tested several actions, but they all behave strangely.


what level of expertise do you have in mobile development? it's something I'd like to have someone to exchange experiences with. If you'd like to talk more about it, please call me [<u>in this room</u>](https://chat-to.dev/chat?q=Programmer).


Generating a changelog based on commits and adhering to Conventional Commits can be streamlined using various GitHub Actions. GitHub Action for Conventional Changelog, release-drafter/release-drafter, Semantic Release.


How interesting! Is this a new implementation? Just a note, for URLs always use markdown to create a direct link

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