Which of these two systems is better for implementing a gateway?

PAYPAL OR STRIPE?? ![PAYPAL OR STRIPE](https://wpforms.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/stripe-vs-paypal-pros-cons.jpg) I'm thinking of creating a small SaaS company, but I'm not sure which of these two systems is best for implementing a payment system for my website.

(3) Comments

ive used stripe b4. it has some copy-paste code you can just drop in, and it will even give you test tools so you can make sure your $ is sending the right amount and where you want it. Very nice. ive never used paypal b4 so idk. look at their policies. stripe has fees for each transaction, so paypal might be cheaper. idk im not going to look into it. The way i remember with stripe is: % if the purchase is big >$15 and a flat rate if cheap. depending on your prices if your product you might be able to get a better deal with a different company. Also dont forget that your own bank often has a transfer portal that you can paste into your page. this may make it free depending on your bank. if you dont need a third party, then dont get it.


this will be my first time using a payment system, so I'm a bit confused about what to implement. But in a way it's helped me decide which one to use.


do first look into your own bank. if they have a fee-less system, its just better to do a direct deposit that way. also when doing this. make sure to open a new bank account so you can keep your personal & buisness finances seperete. Atleast here in the US thats important if you dont wana be looked into for money laundering

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