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no rush. do your work first
i mean sure, the tos prob lets him do that... but it wont stop a fork from happening.
ive always though mastodon was good for the internet. Thanks to the way it was setup, i dont think an exec like him can do anything harmful except to instance which he admins
so stack overflow is still helping, just secondhand-idly :P
i am rather forgetful
Well the good thing about it, is that with a distributed system, you arent going to be able to just kick threads off all instances because some mastodon exec dont like them anymore. The whole purpose of the project it to keep everything separated so that a person in a top position cant just ban a whole network. None the less its still concerning to see someone with authority over the project show favor or disfavor to one community or another.
so tts + summary bot. This already exist. turn on your radio.
comment can edit comment, edit overflow buttons can no be clicked
Edit function broke. need to update title to learning not learing so that titles show up in "similar post"
been training my dog to be a programmer (ctrl-c & ctrl-v) via dance dance revolution pad
Honeslty i think this will be a good thing. People that WERE once neutral about a free internet are either going to be 1. more educated about how the internet works and learn how to circumvent government censorship or 2. they will join with organizations that exist to counter government censorship. Its not about porn. Its about any entity that seeks to trample on the internet's sovereignty. Hopefully this makes more people aware of how little control they really have and wake up to...
there were fireworks inside that blew up and started the fire
We will begin next year! Here is the [community learning chat room](
Sure if the documents were stored locally on your phone/computer in a encrypted partition. However most ppl wont do that and will lead to identity theft. Also keep in mind, this dont mean paper passworts will go away, just that you wont NEED to use them at airports of you have a version of it on your phone. makes it much easier then having to bring a paper version with you when you travel
correct. its not like they need us to make all the good stuff anymore. We get more hurt from this then they do
space as in like storage space on your device. or physical clutter? digital: there is nothing you can do, just hope that your apps are optimized and have less bloating dependencies. physical: app explaining how to commit insurance fraud with a house fire. problem solved
do first look into your own bank. if they have a fee-less system, its just better to do a direct deposit that way. also when doing this. make sure to open a new bank account so you can keep your personal & buisness finances seperete. Atleast here in the US thats important if you dont wana be looked into for money laundering
ive used stripe b4. it has some copy-paste code you can just drop in, and it will even give you test tools so you can make sure your $ is sending the right amount and where you want it. Very nice. ive never used paypal b4 so idk. look at their policies. stripe has fees for each transaction, so paypal might be cheaper. idk im not going to look into it. The way i remember with stripe is: % if the purchase is big >$15 and a flat rate if cheap. depending on your prices if your product you...
sqlite is the real champ
no m.2 makes it worse then just a normal pi5
there would b more trolls then real users. look if this is a site that your thinking about building, i assure you this will b the biggest flop you've personally made. A site like this is very very specific about its content. that means it will attract people with very specific purposes, generally not desirable ppl by internet standards.
yea your prob best heading to reddit or discord and finding a community that is open to discussion like that. i doubt there is anywhere to post questions like stack overflow and get feedback from others. If a place like that did exist, it would just be full of trolls. Tell your friend to join a community that will be open to conversation on that subject.
pornhub anyways. i cant imagine a site just for that service. Your better off finding a subreddit or something thats more niche
there is some pretty good text to text interpreters. possibly something reads the capacha as an image and determines what the characters are. For the quick solution y dont u just make emails and accounts unique?
in that case, isnt your question kinda pointless? rather find a way to deter manual bot creation. some email validation possibly? auto-delete new accounts that havent made any inteactions within a week?
does your captcha have a set pool or is it really random?
1 looks like a layout made for mobile devices. 2 seems more info dense: like you can fit more good info on the screen at a glance. i prefer functionally over looks, 2 is more utilitarian.
oh no, if only there was a way to circumvent this
oh no. only if there was a way to circumvent this
Llama next :)
so now you dont have to pay to cheat on your homework :)
the court says its dangerous to have people make articles about the court (among other stuff)... hmmm thats not suspicious at all.
walmart has been doin this over a year now. Its nice. sadly with me living near air force base we are unable to partake. However this is epic. Love to see more competition rather then just walmart owning 100% of the airspace at the moment.
we went from crap, to foss crap. An improvement, sure, but still crap. lol
yet another reminder for gov and large commercial entities to sanitize their inputs.
their game center thing used to be cool. now it just handles syncing and an occasional leader board. no dedicated app to compare with friends n such. Granted i dont think mobile gaming demands such features but its still a shame that it once existed and now has gone away.
yes its just a problem waiting to happen
sounds like a hackers paradise
nah i think that the tool is fine. Creating a ai to have a semblance of a person who passed however is a deliberate and kinda sick joke. The ai is fine tho.
users create their chatbots. the company didnt make her, some person decided to upload photo and descriptions of here to create a chatbot. This was not the company being malicious but rather a person with a cruel sense of humor.
there are a surprising amount of countries that block porn. Im sure this wont stop anyone dedicated enough but whatever.
the cyber attacks were so pointless. They tried to make their point of not liking the USA by going after a private non-profit the IA is not a part of the us gov. All they did was cause problems for the biggest public DB. nothing they did is going to change any war. If they wana make a statement actually go after a us organization, not one that just exist within the usa. None the less im happy its back up. I dont access it often but its handy when no one else has what im looking for. Still...
I think that most of it is still the users, the kids, fault. Sure you can claim the nicotine is addictive and thats y users spend so much $ on it and cant get away, but its them that choose to start. I see this the same way. You downloaded the app, you choose to start investing time into it. The reason you cant get off it is because if the manipulative ways they keep you hooked, but its your fault for joining in the first place. Its a shame how many youth are affected by this, but it was...
how can we make even more money with even less effort. Pair this with the ai content and you should have a even more mind numbing experience. Perfect for youth :)
is there other small communities that you know of that would be willing to collaborate on something hopefully promoting both networks?
yea if only those dont train tags get respected by the ai
isnt this gonna happen in 2070ish again? edit: 2038
no no i get that. what i mean is that i can iterate through all the urls and just add 1 to the num, then skip over post that dont have that element but add ones that do to a list. then a person can go thru the list manually and see all the "hidden" stuff. i dont know y anyone would really want to do that but it seems just really easy to unhide stuff like this. I would suggest making the url be say... the username of the author + a unix timestamp of post creation (now). thatway its...
i dunno. it just seems that if i was nosy enough i could just iterate through the urls untill i find something with a class of alertH and content of hidden post. I get that the threat wouldnt be that big of a deal, but it is still something that someone malicious would take advantage of.
lets say you didnt share this post with me. well if im going thru the normal post, as i see post 720 and 722, its fair to assume that there is a post in that "missing" spot, making it alot less hidden
ummmmm cant i just change the number in the url tho?
they did say that they wernt going to release this code thankfully. Its just a proof of concept. Yet there is still a huge lurking issue. Why is it a problem when these guys do it, but not when your government does? Its like worrying about how bad the air quality is from pollution outside, while smoking. People need to stop hyper fixating on this 1 spooky situation while ignoring the ever increasing one around them established by the ruling power.
so they invested with the intent of profiting. I get that you wana make $ but your userbase is not diverse enough to just pretend that this aint happening.
Very nice. To be clear to everyone, there is nothing wrong with using Js. it can often be easier or simpler to implement. However once you get to larger projects you will have further dependence on Js. The more that you can offload from your JS, the better the webapp will run on very very low end devices where the difference is noticable. The css is loaded once as part of the static bit of the page, once it is loaded its full feature-set is available without needing to (pardon my ruby...
glad to have you!
not necessarily. The more stuff that you can keep out of the dom the faster the more demanding js will run. Css only needs to load once then its full functionality is available. the more small stuff you can offload to the html or css the more resources you can dedicate to the real js functions. Im not saying dont use JS at all, just that js is not needed in this situation (or quite a few others). Save your js headroom for more demanding functions and dont clog the dom with calls that dont need...
css natively support stuff such as on:hover or window focus & all the other mouse interactions. for other events there are workarounds such as for a keypress: ``` <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=""> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <style> body { padding: 20px; } div { margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid black; width: 200px; ...
im not going to complain that they give money to foss, but im not going to believe that its for good intentions. they either want to grow their favor with the foss userbase, or they just have so much money they dont care. Lets be real, i dont think microshit thinks that foss alternatives are a threat to them, so they dont care what we do hence why its no problem to give money to foss.
Its all a show to them. They dont care about foss. They also donate alot to the linux foundation for example. cant pretend that they are friendly to linux users. same thing with github, just because they put alot of $ into it and maintain it dont mean they really care about foss. github is probably just a place for them to train their ai to attempt and make us obsolete. they might have other reaons idk, but i cant imagine a for profit company caring about anything else then $.
css ``` body { padding: 20px; } div { margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid black; width: 200px; height: 100px; padding: 5px; } input:checked + label + div { display: none; } input + label:after { content: " To Hide"; } input:checked + label:after { content: " To Show"; } label { background-color: yellow; box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), inset 0 -2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius:...
All of these just have the js grab all elements with the id "myElement" then apply a style to them... but you just have the css grab #myElement and skip the js entirely and apply the hidden there. Just seems like alot of extra steps. For example 3, you create an element with an id, then you have js grab all elements and add a class to them, then go to css and have all items with that class b hidden. why? just have the css grab the id and hide it, no need to even add classes to the...
yes this is open for anyone. there is a room: [room]( for people who would like to participate. So far it seems pretty inactive but im getting started tomorrow actually. If there is something that you would like to add to the curriculum list let me know and ill append it. Come back tomorrow and ill share the resources that ive gotten for the first item on the to-do list. share what you wnat to add to the list in the chat. hope to see you soon! :)
dont put web portals in cars then you wont have this issue. No one asked for these features anyways. Its just a thing they put in cars for their (kia's) benefit. With all the telemetry they can sell data to advertisers and insurance companies. This online connectivity was not added for your good but theirs. If you reduce your surface area of attack by removing stuff like this you wont have to worry about getting hacked. I hope this becomes yet another class action lawsuit so brands...
great. now make it federal
Its ok that they invest into it. but dont neglect the general consumers just because there is money to be made on corporate contracts. dont forget the normal consumer
nvidia seems to be improving their open source support which is pleasant. however their further neglect of the consumer market in favor of AI is disappointing.
what a shame. It wasnt a popular community <300 members, but it was still nice to have another large supporter backing a distributed network. I hope they still continue to donate to the development of it one way or another still. Either monetarily or having one of their devs assist which they have done in the past.
i dunno. Ive never bothered to check. I do know that it is a paid service tho
acxiom sells data about people online purchases and search trends. Just become a certified creep and you be able to know what someone is lookin at on amazon and such.
it must be sooooo hard for him, life must be so cruel
the wouldnt need to do this if they didnt acquire all these studios to begin with. Dont buy all your competitors then be unable to afford all them. stupid
Im happy this is happening. however I dont see much utility with this. When i search up something I want to see the most updated webpage with all the newest info. Most people who want to see the outdated, obsolete version of the site will already go to the wayback machine. <br> Its a kind gesture from google i guess, but i dont think that google users will really make use of this.
Epic! im happy to hear that, Im hoping more people come and consider joining. I actually made a room for this event. However with no one else joining im not sure how helpful it will be. Since there is no group to really vote on what we should do im prob just going to start working on them in order. I know that you are in college so i dont want to take too much of your time as im sure your swamped with everything already. None the less if you want to be my study partner i'd appreciate that....
Don'tcha love it when error messages dont tell you the error.
Let me know what you would like to learn and reasons we should learn it! :)
Honestly I dont think there is much that google can do to not be so dominant and more. Almost everyone optimizes there stuff for googles search. almost everyone uses a gmail and its too much of a pain to get millions of people to switch especially those who have it as their only email that theve used the last decade. Hell, most devices ship with as their default dns. developers make everything compatable with the google eco system. they have a heavy hand on how android progresses....
agreed. I wish more people would wake up and understand what is bein taken from them. Good alternatives do exist, but people aren't aware of their existence since the alternatives dont advertise because they dont receive $ cuz they dont sell your data. Its self fulfilling :(
sounds like they just made themself obsolete. Signal better anyways.
that is affordable for alot of people. I cant bash people for storing stuff there if that is your only option. None the less i would personally rather own my own storage aswell as a offsite backup. Cloud solutions are only so good until you reach multiple tb of space at which point it is a pain to stream some content from it. I also have pretty shoddy internet in my area so its not always reliable enough use those services. Finally i dont trust some of the major providers as i dont want the...
tragic. Guess its a good thing i individually archive. I recommend everyone to become a data hoarder. the only reason that traditional library's get away with it because its state funded and the state wont wana loose money so they are exempt. they are literately above the laws. what a bs ruling.
I think it depends how far its going to scale up. It take a surprisingly small amount of infrastructure to run some things that might have a user base in the thousands. all about what type of service and how optimized it is and all that crap. Anyways learning backend will not make you a good sys admin, you need to learn and get different certs for that. However you can totally learn both, just be sure to let your company not take advantage of you.
I feel that there needs to be a fine line for businesses to understand. devops does not mean ill develop and maintain both my project and all of the infrastructure to keep it running. That is a different role. you dont get a 2 for one. Having devop skills means that as your are developing, your are aware of the production environment that it will be ran in and can create your project in a way that is friendlier to maintain. being able to understand the tools that a sys admin uses and thinking...
there are plenty of circumvention strategies. hopefully this spurs them to realize what was taken away from them and encourage them to have more preventative measures in the future.
I have mixed feelings about this. One i disagree about who is truly at fault. should the platform be responsible because the failed to moderate content like this. If that is the case, then what happens if the content is not eligible for moderation because there is no rules against it? Content like trying to choke yourself till you pass out is stupid. but what about something like free divers. one is a legitimate sport, however if there was a free-diving challenge and a bunch of amateurs give it...
literately 2 days later:<br> [article]( <br><br> its being put to use more broadly
if people arent using freetube or ytdl by now its their fault for bein lazy and not searching up stuff.
[freq's]( <br> less opinion and more factually unbalanced, compare to say [better freq's]( <br>beats wouldn't b so bad if they didnt cost the price of some genuinely spectacular headphones. they are more focus on being pretty then sounding good. for that price go buy yourself a *cheaper* sennheiser and youll be better off.
beats suck
im surprised Australia hasn't done it yet too. buncha wana b tyrants :/
was sarcasm. very related.
mastodon is still growing. i cant imagine why. no way these are correlated right?
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Even more online censorship