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not hidden via search bar. is this intentional?
"already preparing 5"? Were in 5 rn. css6 comes out ~2025 according to this article.
how to prevent an attack like this. regex every input/upload to check for those special characters in a chain? there has got to be a better solution right?
uhh test works
hell yea
oh wow, thats new to me. b4 i kinda just figured pp was plusplus or that it was a misstype cuz p and + close on a keyboard. None the less thanks 4 the pic, interesting info :)
unrelated to the lesson. does ++ mess up .md or something? Otherwise ive never heard it called cpp b4, least not here in usa.
you can export passwords in an .odf i think. Anyone that relies solely on the browser to keep everything and dont backup and export need to learn this lesson. Its a good thing that the fix is a simple update and restart but hopefully it spooked some people into making backups.
boutta have a harem real soon
this is stupid. find a better way to deal with bots and spam
it did happen on a Friday. was sarcasm
well at least it didnt happen on a Friday
hehe so there's not gonna be a sql?
aww no story this time?
ha, this funny. i like it
id agree with you if you are just learning another language to add to your profile. If its a first time learning anything situation stuff like calculator helps teach people operations and such. Otherwise yea, move on to more complex projects that are more real world so you can get experience faster.
Its a cool app and im happy it exist. but what is the use-case for this? your phone aint really powerful to do much on. Besides being a party trick i dont see how this could be useful compared to just ssh'ing into a legit environment. Ipads are a bit better in the power department so that would prob handle it fine but phones will likley struggle a bit. I think its really cool. someone reply and list me something you would do with this.
Dont forget that to improve you need to observe a good example. Read others code and see what they are doing that you an implement in your own code.
the only type of long lasting network infrastructure will be a distributed kind. become a relay today: [link](https://community.torproject.org/relay/)
yea the table dont allow sideways scrolling or line wrapping i guess. ill dump it as its not really useful info. list can be found by typing a incorrect url in anyways as a dummy page will showup letting you know the other routes you can pick.
I like that you observed a problem with traditional searching and im happy that you actually did something to address the problem unlike most people. Dont get discouraged. This thing can take time to be populated. Evnetually it will become and indispensable resource for others.
im interested to see how frameworks risc5 computers work. likely not going 2 be as powerful as a arm based m1 im sure but still gotta b pretty nice
oh yea thats right. i just imported file from apostrophe. first line was supposed 2 b title but didnt do it right so i just threw that other 1 up there. granted uve seen me type enough to know i cant spell let alone follow traditional grammatical procedures.
I do agree about the negativity it can draw. If you do something that your passionate about but just aint very popular people will down vote it to get it off their feed. Thats pretty detrimental if you spent time to make something and people just dump on it to get rid of it. On the contrary however, if im looking for advice or something and i see that one reply got flooded with downvotes, i know that its not likley helpful. I think there is a place for down votes. I think that down votes allow...
Local library count?
attr_acessor. I just didnt use it and did it that manual way till i was comfortable then started to mix it in.
The issue is that these laws are being put forward under the premise of protecting us. The reason 4 this one was to stop groomers and harassment online. Sounds like something that I would support. But its done via your endpoint. So no matter what you do its available for the gov to see. because its endpoints it means that even something encrypted does nothing because its encrypted during transit but decrypted on the recipients device, aka an end point. So encryption is pointless. The goal was...
The scary thing is that this was even brought forward. The fact that they are thinking about doing it is just as scary because it wont be much longer before a vote passes in its favor.
mostly lofi stuff as anything with lyrics will kinda distract me. I mostly want nice simple background noise. [url](lofi.cafe)<br> or direct...
Ive never done anything with oracle so i dont know anything about it. Does it take same cmds as sql?
dont forget to checkout your friends branch then fix their grammar in their comments then rebase edit: my friends dont let me in their repos anymore
I wasnt an adult that long ago. Digitally i was born in the year 1995 so that i could make online purchases, play mature games (not that kind) that were too violent for "kids", create accounts for stuff that you had to be 13, 16, or 18 for. Basically laws and preventative measure do nothing as they are too simple to get around. The only way to keep people off social media too much is to discourage them from overusing it. but just like the cancer risks of smoking to discourage people...
an nicotine is an addictive chemical that can cause cancer. people still smoke. Wont change anything unfortunately.
yea... they have a submit feedback button in the overflow menu of FF. it was utilized... by a bot. they know how i feel now
Articles, walkthroughs, books, have always been better for me. Lets me jump around to what i need faster. If the person is a good author you will be able to follow along with it just as well as if you were watching it live. Also i used to have even worse internet then i do now and i just couldnt stream and downloading took too long comapred to saving a webpage or e-pub
If it was more compact. It would be great on my multi day bikepacking/camping trips with friends
if you arent using youtube-dl or freetube by now its your fault
Keep in mind becasue firefox is open source there is, or will be a way around anything they do. Also there are other browsers that are forks of firefox that you can swap to aswell if you wana move away from the official release as a response of FF being selective and promoting censorship against a specific community.
Same i still use firefox but im not chained to them. I also have brave & tor installed incase i wana swap real fast
umm no i havent. im not a real big social media guy. Plus the time that was popular i was 4 so thats kinda important too
for legal reasons that was a joke FBI
silk road
"keeps the cheese from sliding off", ya know that might just work
I might come across as an apple hater but im really not. Im just a hater of stuff that they do first that eventually becomes a mainstream doctrine. I mostly say this as it refers to propitiatory... everything. But anyways, that aside, when a company puts alot of effort to build something like improved encryption for a messaging platform. I think that they deserve to reap the benefits. I dont think that brands need to open source stuff that they make and loose alot of their profitability from...
im sure a lawsuit will have a favorable outcome since now they can use wordpress's $ to fight apple in court rather then them just being a small start up that would have to submit.
Alot of attention is on the commercial & private sectors. What i expect to grow soon will be countries hacking eachother. Prob taking down banks, phone, internet, utilities, etc just to disrupt each other. Im sure that more commercial attacks will happen but i feel hacking has become less of a 1 man job to nations scooping up as many as they can get 4 war. :( Kinda takes the fun outta it huh
Hopefully someone makes a tool so you dont have to sign up 2 read news now that we know how it works
I dont like their inability to repair as well as the planned obsolescence... but i am interested in what they are doing with arm. Ill get the transcripts after so i dont have to listen to all the advertisement stuff but rather just skip to the only interesting parts.
Yes but overreliance on a bunch of tools is bad too. Im not saying use no tools, just dont get so many thats your unable to do anything yourself. What your mostly refering too would be syntax formatters/linters and auto completion tools. Both of those can be found as extentions or packages for a minimalist ide of your choosing. Its not some vscode exclusive. Basicly i would rather start with something super simple and not cluttered, then add the things that i need too it. That means you will...
have it all planned out on paper. If you fully know what will need to be done in your roadmap of the project you will be able to change and add things to your plan later down the road while assuring compatibility. It sucks to get started on a project, then later the enxt thing you need to implement dont work with your previous code. If you planned it all out before on a piece of paper so you can visually see what you need to do, you would be able to make sure that all the dependencies for your...
Honestly, its just forcing yourself to learn/get to work. I still haven't overcome this and struggle a lot. Im currently reading a book about how to have more self control and be more productive. ill let you know if anything changes.
Well alot of people take the web route because its kinda easy, but you will have to learn both mobile and desktop. If you start with web it will be easier for you to fully transition into something more specific later. anyways. layouts and stuff are all frontend stuff. If your trying to learn backend, but still want to utilize your figma/ui/ux type of stuff then going web with backend (of your choosing) is the best way to go. Once again there is alot of backend to pick from. Go check out...
Im minimalist but not SUPER minimalist: notepad++ or geany. Any tools i need are cli based so having a fully featured ide isnt really useful for me. Only thing vs code is good for is the little pets extension you can get... but even that has a cli alternative.
oh no! - *pirating noises*
I actually have sludge life on steam. Silly little game. Anyways, just browse itch every once in a while and you'll find great stuff all the time.
Read/write speeds will likely be limited by max rpm that any type of spinning media is constrained by. but what do you think about the long term data archival possibilities? This will not replace large data centers as those need the read/write speeds only able to be provided by alternative storage devices. But for long term storage that does not get accessed frequently, or for backups of massive amounts of media on your personal nas, all without the failure rate of hdds or the long term data...
well i dont really know a roadmap, also a road map changes depending on your end goal... which at this point seems unclear. unclear aint bad, just means as your learning you should be open to anything that catches your eye. anyways. try exercism. Its free and they have some backend specific lessons. if you dont know which ones, just read the provided description. I recommend them over others for backend because they have a cli tool that lets you grab lessons from the website and run them...
backend is dependent on what frontend tech your using. Some can be univalve, sql is allways something good to learn. but mostly it depends on what your trying to do in the front that changes this answer. Also prob good idea to learn some networking stuff. im not saying go full comptAI route but alteast understanding the basics wiil help you troubleshoot a bit.
I dont think ive heard of anyone who does like ads... but yea no i gotchu
Anything new is likely to be rejected. They want your domain an stuff to have been around for a while to become repeatable". Dont foreget you can also try getting ads from meta's partners or those scammy on-click ad providers who accept anyone.
I play German tanks in war thunder. I must have been inspired to be a nazi. Stupid!
since the 5 came out the 4's have gone down in price (and finally back in stock).
Whats the time frame for rule 2. Do they get like a month grace period to recruit an additional member or will they just have to keep talking to themself to keep the room alive?
Im not bashing trump people or anything. but like if i made a whole social media platform for people who exclusively wear sombreros, it only has so much room to grow. Itll just be an echo chamber of sombrero wearer viewpoints and such. Kinda stupid if you ask me. How do they plan to get more users once all of the sombrero fans join. Because you made your site so catered to one type of hat wearers, you basically have to exclude everyone else who likes ball caps so they will never join cuz their...
hey bitch! I need some water over here!
like that image? why is ai so bad at hands? Anyways. this was an expected result when you have ai publish stuff without a human checking it first.
There are already plenty of alternatives social media sites. The only thing special about truth is that its owned by trump. That isnt enough to convince anyone that isnt a die hard trump fan to join.
find and active irc server that has some channels in it that interest you. Also if your bored with the internet... try going outside. might be less boring. I dunno, i havent tried it :P
I saw this and immediately though. oh, were going to get another louis rossman video today.
I love how entangled all the big tech is. I hope that people wake up and start using alternative solutions and pull their funding away from big tech and give to the smaller guys that actually do the hard work rather then investors pretending to be knowledgeable tech bros. Hopefully when that happens the 'entangledness' nature of big tech brings them all down together.
I use rdoc for ruby and mkdocs for python. but i hear pydoc is better, dunno, haven't tried it yet. There is also a really old but still good C generator but i dont know the name of it. Its hella old tho, like late 90 early 2000's yet still works pretty well. Ill update this comment if i find it.
Dont forget that doc generators exist and can do some pretty impressive stuff. Id say use those then fill in any gaps on documentation that you notice.
oh no! so when we rely on 1 major provider, and they have issues, it affect everyone. Gee if only people saw this coming.
wtf is what?
The worst thing about this is that you your self cant turn it off. The only people that can disable sharing are the work space owners. they have to email the support from the email attached to their admin workspace profile to request that they be omitted. So no matter what you the individual want, its not up to you. I have to have slack for work so it really does suck.
One issue to think about when using many micro-services. We all have great ambitions for what we wana add to a service of ours and micro services are a great way to extend functionality. This sometimes can outgrow your capacity to handle your service. Especially if you are going alone or only have a small team, over expanding with so many features can put too much stress on you possibly leading to burn out or atleast a decrease in overall quality as you implement a bunch of stuff. Do understand...
All good. Im not participating this year. Near the end of the event imma be leaving and going outta state for some time and i wouldnt really wana take a vacation and spend it on my computer. So ive decided that ill help people who need help during the time that im still here at home with my desktop in the meantime. Also take a look at that book. It is written for users that dont know ruby at all. The other guides focus more on the features of the engine so skip those, but the book stops at...
Well if they have it facing up or down itll look like upload or download. I think they just picked one or the other. Also dont forget you can make your own icons if you dont like one of them. Just a reccomendation if you want an exit thats not one of those Use a power button. The o with the vertical dash at the top. Its pretty clear what it does and material does have an icon for it:...
good question
Students invent louder rake
:P yea the guns r wild. I watched a documentary a year ago about how felons are able to get guys just by making them themself. Since they cant pass a background check they cant buy a gun so they ust print them at home. They arent reliable but i dont think a felon cares. Then you have hobbyist making them aswell for fun and the ATF comes and screws those guys over while the felons run free. Its wild.
part 2, Collaborative Robots in bed.
I wish it would change something but it wont. Now there are to many other companies in ai even if openai went bankrupt nvidia or someone else would continue in their stead. :(
If you come up with a funny acronym ill spread it around for ya 🙃
Large torrents are free so it wont hurt your ratio aslong as you seed it back for atleast 2 days, even if no one leaches from you itll not consider it a hit and run.
Its not an acronym if that's what your wondering. Also its fashionable because ai code is slop.
haha im kidding. you better be careful. Its still a grey zone that you may wana avoid. atf has already send people fines for "illegal modifications" when they publish a model of a actual functioning weapon.
no ghost guns? for the atf: im kidding
yea. its just a read-only for me now. I still pop it open if i get a notification that goes off when specific things come up but thats about it. I dont bother adding anything.
I dont know about you but i dont often contribute to massive sites like hn. I got my feed come to my machine so i dont even navigate to the website. Its a Read only mode for me and im ok with that.
I did just try and delete my account and edit my post/ answers to: this content has been removed. Then deactivated acc. I go this email this mornin: Hello, We're writing in reference to your Stack Overflow account: (link 2 profile here) You have recently removed or defaced content from your posts. Please note that once you post a question or answer to this site, those posts become part of the collective efforts of others who have also contributed to that content. Posts that are...
We already have alot of tracking thanks to google. How much worse will it get once an AI is trying to use all those data points to "give me the best answer". I think bing already showed us that people dont care if ai is added to their searches. Otherwise people would be using bing. Ill stick with duck duck go please and thank-you.
how to be entirely reliant on technologies 101 Yeesh, the future kids that grow up on this are going to be so dysfunctional.
Oh no, what im trying to say is even if this becomes most populated site and gets filled with useful guides and people getting questions like stackoverflow, it wouldnt matter still because of the vast ammount of already existing information on their site. For example if i come up with the best streaming service. I get all the new tv shows and stuff and become popular. that doesnt mean that its going to bankrupt netflix because they have a large library of exclusives going back multiple years...
I stopped using their service as much when they took down their job board. Then they kinda brought it back recently but its just indeed with a tech-only filter. Jobs aside there is soo much info on there that is relevant to many issues. Even if people stop posing on that site people will still need to visit because of the vast amount of info that has been posted in the last 2 decades. So even if chat-to.dev became the #1 site for devs stack-overflow would still be accessed for their old...
Thats because there are no advantages for the independent developer, just the mega corp that dont have to pay you decent wages anymore.
Please check [issues](https://www.cloudvulndb.org/) before you decide which provider to do with. Cloud services are some of the largest targets so please make sure you know what you are going with. Also check [tools](https:///www.thehackernews.com) to stay up to date with the creation of new tools and newly found exploits to prepare yourself for anything new that is to come.
isbn's for those wanting to buy 1: 9780135957059 there is also an audio book version 2: 9780596007126 3: 9780321146533 4: 1617292397 5: 0984782869 6: 9781491919538 7: 9781680502398 8: 1492034029 missing img btw 9: 0134757599 more people need to read this 10: 0321125215 11: 9780321200686 this book came out like early 2000's so just a heads up, stuff has changed in 2 decades 12: 0470385499 13: 9781118531648 + 1118008189 14: 9780321965516 15: 1801813949 newer version is...
Exactly. I realized that i can consolidate most of my internet footprint and utilize some services that arent shit. Granted i didnt have much to begin with including none of large meta, X, etc ones. so it went from a small sphere of influence to an even smaller one
only reason i left. I dont really give a crap about the other drama. I know what i like and i avoid all the other stuff so the other problems had minimal impact on me. I guess privacy concerns also but i did a good job mitigating that so it wasnt a huge issue, but was getting worse over time. Possibly others have diffrent issues but mods are what made me think that its not worth staying around.
bad mods
Its still decent if you want advice/recommendations. just yea, make sure you know what you are copying. I think the main reason its used to much is becasue if you search up any error message they are close 2 the top or results
stack overflow for big issues. and 1 on 1 chats via irc in language specific channel gets me best support.
yay i got a friend now
i dont know the first img. the second two have cards and tokens that look like: https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Outer-Rim-Board-Game-Strategy-/dp/B07NRHKD64/?tag=wargamern-20&th=1 plus they got spacey looking pieces so i guess if your looking for tabletop rpg just get any warhammer. You'll like it more. i own outer rim (img 2-3) and its not as fun.
I made a post breaking it down. let me know what you think. im not bashing your for using seo. Its mostly just me speaking out about "ensure their creations rank high and thrive in the digital realm" "improves a website's visibility" that was at the top of your post. The rest is very helpful.
sure. ill make a post talking about it in more depth. :P A quick answer though would be: if it exist to make the site better for the users its a plus. If it exist to turn a profit by manipulating search engines its bad. That does not mean its bad to make money from a website. but it should be made via content that that site provides enticing users to come back again and again. manipulation is the key word. basically if i need to make my lemonade stands cup look larger while having less...
I want to clarify that none of these are bad. Just that once a dev gets hyper focused with competing with the million other webpages you start to sacrifice ux for search optimization. If something improves ux and search optimization great! alot of seo will reccomend you use keywords, click funnels, literately anything to keep users on the site for longer time. Even if you dont do this now getting stuck in the seo trap leads to you hyper fixating on hitting #'s rather then just providing...
Most of these are just web-dev best practices. The rest are shit corporations utilize to twist search engines results favorably resulting is worsening search quality. Follow the best practices that makes sense to you as a developer individually.
Thanks for posing 2 questions. Came in handy XD. I would buy it, then forget about it in a drawer somewhere like every other bit of vanity wearable tech. I would just need a way to figure out how to de-metafy it. Im sure someones working on it already.
oh yea. even nuralink is good aslong as the government dont get its hands on it.
nah nah. im saying you got everything. That sums its all up. Just expressing my disdain for ai everything XD
b-b-buttt my `~ key in wrong spot :'(
neuralink is scary. cool af. but think about the privacy possibilities (in the bad way). dystopian censorship here we come!
Very well documented. I still think ai is a bitch but its nice everything is covered here.
I started with desktop applications that were local only. so backend was a local csv. There was also no front as it was terminal based. Hardest part was checking for edge cases. like a user launching application multiple times without exiting previous instances messing up everything and such. edge cases are still one of the hardest parts of programming because i can never thing of all the weird stuff that can happen. Best way to get around it is to give it to others and ask them to break it.
just learn to notice something becoming a trend early and avoid it or exploit it :P
the tech is kinda like drm signatures. I get why it exist but the popularity of them was stupid like most trends.
will the server need to be accessed from the web? if not just make a nas. Otherwise you need to set up a full application to handle the io. The way that most servers work is the db of your choice then something the process the different types of request coming from clients. I recommend starting with a local tcp chat server to get some xp with networking. then move to a ftp server. If that is ok with your needs just stick with ftp. If that does not work then your going to need apache or ngnix to...
Im with you @fschmidt. Aslong as im not programming c i like the minimalist setup. Ill use sublime or geany. Hell im ok with nano! I think the goal of this was that these are a list of tools that can be used by different projects. Obviously alot of these tools arent even plausible to be all used at once. I recommend everyone start out with simple bits then add tools that they find useful. I am happy that you brought up mercurial as i think that git alternatives are not explored enough as...
"Linux server" is too broad. The os is not what you need to be focusing on. Find what you need to put on it. What DB u using. what type of system are you going to put in place to handle request. You said this is a web server so prob apache, but look up what http service is best for you (or free). What you do with the server is what really matters. The structure is unix based like everything else. There is nothing you really need to learn from that point. Dont get me wrong. Learning...
[Geeks for geeks explanation of the more common algorithms:](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/when-to-use-each-sorting-algorithms/) ## bubble is most common. had this one lying around ``` def bubble_sort(array) n = array.length loop do swapped = false (n - 1).times do |i| if array[i] > array[i + 1] array[i], array[i + 1] = array[i + 1], array[i] swapped = true end end break unless swapped end array end arr = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11,...
I attended universe twice. Most recent in 22. Although it was nice, i liked my first attendance more. I dont know the specific year it was but i was real young at the time and went with 2 of my friends. I dont think ill be going back again though. Between the 2 times that i went (aprox 4-6 years) the second event was much more... corporate. There were still great speakers and all but it seems that the big events that made headlines and such + all that was in the promotions were just really...