A SBC has many useful purposes. Some of their most popular characteristics are that they are cheap. Often being under $100 which makes them accessible to even low income hobbyist. They are versatile with their gpio pins and are built using well supported hardware making them loved by makers and programmers. They are never going to be the most popular type of computer and thats OK. due to their price point and user freedom they are fantastic for small projects that you dont want to dedicate a whole workstation too. Thanks to their size they also have very low power draw making them perfect for embedded and IOT projects. It also makes it easy to adapt for battery powered applications if your on the go. That being said, it is clear that they have a prominent role for hobbyist like ourselfs. [amargo85](https://chat-to.dev/profile?u=amargo85) from the CTD team is looking to give away a SBC of maximum value of $45. Pi 4b, le potato, or assortment of cheaper models like pi zero are suggested. Restrictions: North America and Europe shipping addresses only! Requirements to be enter to win: You must be a member of CTD. You must create a new room on the CTD platform. The room must conform to the [rules](https://chat-to.dev/termsofuse). You must invite a minimum amount of 10 users and have the room be active. I understand that the last rule may be vague. It is up to Amargo85 to judge if you have met the conditions as he is the one providing the giveaway. If you would like to participate in this, leave a comment. As of now this event does not have a deadline and goes until someone reached the threshold. Reach out to Amargo or leave a comment here if you feel that you have met completed the objective. The goal of this event is to get more members onto the platform aswell as to get more diverse room conversations going on. We know that you all have a different favorite language or related topic and we want to encourage you to create a place that you will be able to talk about it.
shame this didnt get much attention.
because it's underpriced, many will probably prefer to buy it themselves
Is there a way to distribute an invite link so that its easier to track who invited who? it might be easier for people to fufill the requirements if they can just send a friend a link and get a counter going that way. also so far has there been any claimed invites? sure not 10, but how many so far from anyone?
invitation link? I don't understand
well u have hostinger like me. so im sure you have also gotten the emails: have a friend signup using your link and you get $100 and they get $100 off their next order. Like that. but raspi as reward. It might b easier for someone to just mass email their link to their friends rather then talk 1 on 1 with them to convince them 2 come. additionally it will give you a way to check who invited who and how many total
ok, i get it, the problem is that in the area i'm in nobody knows how to program or has anything to do with it :(
you should post about it [here](https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewforum.php?f=57) user-groups & events section. i guess this can be called a user group, and you are running an event so i guess its valid. just dont post everywhere or else youll get marked 4 spam. [offtopic](https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewforum.php?f=62) might have better luck if the previous section got removed. Keep in mind that this post might be self-promotion so it might get removed no matter where you put it (because the intent of this event is clearly to grow CTD)
yes yes, so far I've only published in two communities.
Sorry to butt in, but Twitter, now X, and new Blue sky, there are lot of net beggers, I mean, independent workers there asking anything for their Patriot page.
well publishing in the official forums is a good way to guarantee that people will be interested
So, what we have to do is bring 10 people to here on this URL https://www.chat-to.dev/ ¿?
Basically, you have to create a room, bring up to 10 users into it and have a fluent conversation. But pay attention! The themes of each room have to be related to our rules here. programming and technology
haha yea, no starting a cooking room to share recipies or something.
I have a feeling if I could bring in from Blue sky, they'll ask for donation, commition for drawing your favorite toons or anime characters.