Implement an efficient caching system to reduce the load on the bank

To implement an efficient caching system to reduce the load on the bank, we need to consider key factors such as data consistency, cache invalidation, and choosing the right caching strategy. ## <br>1. Define What to Cache - Frequent queries: Store results of frequently accessed queries like account balances, recent transactions, and user authentication details. - Computed results: Cache computationally expensive operations like interest calculations. - API responses: Store responses of commonly accessed APIs to reduce repeated database hits. ## <br>2. Choose the Right Caching Strategy - Write-through Cache: Writes data to both cache and database simultaneously (useful for frequently read data). - Write-back Cache: Writes data to cache first and later syncs it with the database (improves performance but has a risk of data loss). - Time-to-Live (TTL) Cache: Automatically expires data after a set period (good for transient data like session tokens). - Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache: Evicts the least used entries when cache memory is full. ## <br>3. Select the Appropriate Caching Technology - Redis: Fast, in-memory key-value store, supports TTL, LRU eviction, and pub/sub messaging. - Memcached: Simple key-value store, good for caching raw query results. - Database Query Caching: Use built-in database caching mechanisms such as MySQL Query Cache or PostgreSQL Materialized Views. - Edge Caching/CDN: If applicable, use a CDN like Cloudflare to cache static responses. ## <br>4. Implement Cache in Code (Example with Redis in Python) Using Redis to cache account balances: ```py import redis import time # Connect to Redis cache = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) def get_account_balance(account_id): cache_key = f"balance:{account_id}" # Check if balance is in cache balance = cache.get(cache_key) if balance: print("Cache hit") return float(balance) print("Cache miss, fetching from DB") balance = fetch_from_database(account_id) # Simulated DB function # Store in cache with TTL of 5 minutes cache.setex(cache_key, 300, balance) return balance def fetch_from_database(account_id): time.sleep(2) # Simulate database query delay return 1000.50 # Example balance # Test the caching system print(get_account_balance(123)) # First time (Cache miss) print(get_account_balance(123)) # Second time (Cache hit) ``` ## <br>5. Cache Invalidation Strategies - Time-based Expiry (TTL): Use for data that changes over time. - Event-based Invalidation: Update or delete cache when a database update occurs. - Manual Invalidation: Allow manual cache clearing in case of inconsistencies. ## <br>6. Monitor Cache Performance - Redis INFO command: Check memory usage, cache hits/misses. - Prometheus/Grafana: Monitor cache performance with alerts. - Log slow queries: Identify database queries that should be cached. Help me implement this in a language other than Python. Join our community

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