Do you still believe that programmers (html, css and javascript) find jobs in the job market?

I've noticed for some time that programmers who don't use [frameworks/libraries](https://chat-to.dev/post?id=TzJMZzlBWG5hL1ppZjI4Z1FZeHZFUT09) hardly stand out in job vacancies and have also found it difficult to find freelance work. Why do contractors and companies hardly need these types of people any more?

(2) Comments

Modern scum (members of depraved modern culture) only like the worst tools. If you want to work for modern scum, then you must become scum yourself. If you want a job writing decent code, then move to Japan or the Mennonite area in north Mexico.


the problem isn't always the area we're in but the opportunities we have 😪

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