Gone are the days when programming had its value

Gone are the days when almost everything that was created for the Internet had its value, blogs, news sites, marktplaces, social networks, dating sites, etc. etc. Today what we see are only people interested in watching the misfortune of others and criticizing everything that in some way has its value. Today's generation is only concerned with looking for services and sites where nudism has more value, sites and services where racism and hatred are seen as power. Today, almost no one feels capable of creating and programming something that is truly educational and valued. If your product/service doesn't pass the items I've mentioned above, then you can be sure that you've failed. I don't know how much this will weigh on you, but I particularly see a partial truth in it: > It was easier to be successful before modern culture went to hell. By [fschmidt](https://chat-to.dev/profile?u=fschmidt) If you liked this post, leave some simple websites and services in the comments that have been very profitable for their creators that you know about.

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