Unplug Your Laptop Now, or It Will Stay Plugged in Forever

Do you want to be chained to an outlet for the rest of your life? Of course not. That’s why you got a laptop in the first place. Somewhere down the line, many of us got the idea that our laptops should always be plugged in to improve their performance. This is a myth that’s slowly killing your laptop. Once your laptop is charged, you need to unplug it, or you might be tethered to the wall forever. Many laptops sit on a charger throughout the workday and all through the night. We don’t even think about it; we just plug in everywhere. We’re charging at work, at home, at the coffee shop – a collective addiction to a laptop at 100% battery. There’s nothing more frustrating than a laptop that can’t hold a charge, but your charging addiction may be accelerating the issue. Keeping your battery at 100% all the time is the worst thing you could do for your computer, according to Kent Griffith, assistant professor at the University of California, San Diego. He researches battery degradation and says this fully charged state puts a ton of stress on your laptop. “When your laptop battery is sitting in this worst condition – 100% charge – for weeks or months at a time, that can be pretty damaging to it,” said Griffith in a phone interview with Gizmodo. “So when you take it off and expect it to last for 8 or 10 hours, it might only give you half of what you expect because it degraded a lot during that time” The optimal state for your battery, according to Griffith, is somewhere between 20% and 80%. He recommends charging your laptop fully and then unplugging it to run down throughout the day. You should let your battery sit in this “mid-range” zone for most of its life to prolong your battery’s performance. For more information click [<span style="color: blue;">here</span>](https://gizmodo.com/unplug-your-laptop-now-it-will-stay-plugged-in-forever-1851320725)

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