DB replicated on shared hosting

Is it possible to replicate a database on shared hosting? If so, can someone guide me on how to do this?

(3) Comments

Check this: [MySQL Setup at Hostinger Explained](https://www.hostinger.com/blog/mysql-setup-at-hostinger-explained)


Definitely possible to replicate a database on shared hosting, though it can vary a bit depending on what your hosting provider supports. First off, you'll need to check if your hosting plan lets you manage databases and set up replication. Some shared hosting plans might put the brakes on that kind of thing, so it's worth a look. Once you're set, you’ll want to get your main database prepped. Create a replica database through your hosting control panel—like cPanel or Plesk—or directly in phpMyAdmin if that’s what you’re using. Just make sure to jot down all the details like the database name, username, and password for future reference. To get the data over, you’ll export your main database. In phpMyAdmin, you can do this by selecting your database, hitting the “Export” tab, and picking the format you want—SQL usually works best. Download that file, and then head over to your replica database to import it. In phpMyAdmin, select the new database, go to the “Import” tab, and upload the file you just downloaded. If you’re up for it, you might want to set up automatic replication to keep things synced without needing to manually import and export all the time. If automatic tools aren’t available, you might need to run a script that syncs the data at regular intervals, using cron jobs or similar tools. After that, give everything a test to make sure the replica database is holding up its end of the bargain. Double-check that the data matches and that your application plays nice with the replica database.


thank you majdi. We're studying various techniques to be used in the near future. I'll take a look at the link you gave me to see and explore all the details.

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