Simple Python script that creates a basic WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)

## Web echo The provided code is a simple Python script that creates a basic WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) application using the wsgiref module. This script sets up a minimal web server that listens on port 8000 and responds to HTTP requests. Lets break down the code: Import necessary modules: **from wsgiref.util import setup_testing_defaults**: Imports a function to set up default WSGI environment variables. **from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server**: Imports a function to create a basic WSGI server. Define a WSGI application function: **def hello_world(environ, start_response)**: This function is the WSGI application. It takes the environment and start_response function as parameters. Set up default WSGI environment variables: **setup_testing_defaults(environ)**: This sets up default values in the environment dictionary. Set the HTTP response status and headers: **status = 200 OK** **headers = [(Content-type, ext/html)]** Call **start_response** with the status and headers: **start_response(status, headers)** Parse form data from the request: **form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=environ[wsgi.input], environ=environ)** Check if the form contains a field named xt and return the value: If xt is in the form, it returns an HTML response with "Echo: " followed by the value of the xt field. If no xt field is present, return an HTML form: A simple HTML form with a text input and a submit button is returned. Create a WSGI server using make_server: httpd = make_server(\, 8000, hello_world): Creates a server on port 8000 using the **hello_world** WSGI application. Start serving requests: **httpd.serve_forever()**: Starts the server and runs it indefinitely. To use this script, run it, and then you can access the web form by navigating to **http://localhost:8000** in a web browser. The form allows you to enter text, submit it, and see the echoed response on the page. ```py from wsgiref.util import setup_testing_defaults from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server import time import cgi def hello_world(environ, start_response): setup_testing_defaults(environ) status = "200 OK" headers = [("Content-type". "text/html")] start_response(status, headers) form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=environ["wsgi.input"], environ=environ) html = "" for f in form: html += f + "==" + form[f].value + "" if not html: html = " <form> Username: <input name="username"> Passoword: <input type="passoword" name="pw"> Age group: Under 18 <input type="radio" name="age" value="kid"> 18-30 <input type="radio" name="age" value="young"> 30- <input type="radio" name="age" value="old"> <input type="submit" value="Send"> </form> " return html httpd = make_server("", 8000, hello_world) print("Server on port 8000...") httpd.serve_forever() ``` if this article is of any interest or use to you, please register on the site and leave a comment. it won take up much of your time and will help us to bring you more and more good stuff. You can also visit our python chatroom here [python-chatroom](https://www.chat-to.dev/chat?q=python-solutions) thanks

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