Honeslty i think this will be a good thing. People that WERE once neutral about a free internet are either going to be 1. more educated about how the internet works and learn how to circumvent government censorship or 2. they will join with organizations that exist to counter government censorship.
Its not about porn. Its about any entity that seeks to trample on the internet's sovereignty. Hopefully this makes more people aware of how little control they really have and wake up to participate in a more distributed web.
Honeslty i think this will be a good thing. People that WERE once neutral about a free internet are either going to be 1. more educated about how the internet works and learn how to circumvent government censorship or 2. they will join with organizations that exist to counter government censorship. Its not about porn. Its about any entity that seeks to trample on the internet's sovereignty. Hopefully this makes more people aware of how little control they really have and wake up to participate in a more distributed web.
it seems that some will no longer be able to enjoy themselves hahaha