Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub in 2018 for US$7.5

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Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub in 2018 for US$7.5 billion was a landmark moment in the technology industry, especially in software development. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, and Chris Wanstrath, co-founder and former CEO of GitHub, were the central figures in this deal. This purchase meant a major change of perspective, as GitHub is one of the most popular platforms for collaborative code development, while Microsoft has historically been viewed with some resistance by the free software community. Under Nadella's leadership, however, Microsoft has increasingly positioned itself as a company open to free source code and collaborative development.


Its all a show to them. They dont care about foss. They also donate alot to the linux foundation for example. cant pretend that they are friendly to linux users. same thing with github, just because they put alot of $ into it and maintain it dont mean they really care about foss. github is probably just a place for them to train their ai to attempt and make us obsolete. they might have other reaons idk, but i cant imagine a for profit company caring about anything else then $.


and it's true! they don't care about anything but money


dollars dollars and more dollars $$$$$$$$


im not going to complain that they give money to foss, but im not going to believe that its for good intentions. they either want to grow their favor with the foss userbase, or they just have so much money they dont care. Lets be real, i dont think microshit thinks that foss alternatives are a threat to them, so they dont care what we do hence why its no problem to give money to foss.

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