Programmers who have been praised by Elon Musk

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Mentioning their most important work: 1. **George Hotz (geohot)**: Known for his early work hacking the iPhone and PlayStation 3, George Hotz founded Comma.ai, an autonomous driving technology company. Elon Musk has already praised his programming and innovation skills. 2. **John Carmack**: Famous for his work at companies such as id Software (creator of iconic games such as Doom and Quake) and Oculus VR, John Carmack is widely recognized as a programming genius. Elon Musk has expressed admiration for his work, especially in game graphics and virtual reality. 3. **Vitalik Buterin**: Co-founder of Ethereum, a blockchain platform that revolutionized the concept of smart contracts, Vitalik Buterin received praise from Elon Musk for his vision and innovation in the field of cryptocurrencies. 4. **Guido van Rossum**: Creator of the Python programming language, Guido van Rossum was mentioned positively by Elon Musk due to Python's significant impact on modern software development.

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