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March 07, 2025
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But if someone isn't respectful to others are you going to ban them? What does careful use of external links mean? Does it mean not over posting promotion of a forum? Or at least making it low key and natural so it doesn't come off spammy? Join my forum today:
Typescript was the worst thing that happened to javascript. Once nodeJS took off corporations needed to put hundreds of thousands of members of bloat teams into nodejs to make their bloat-ware. And the only thing these soy devs were ever taught was OOP. Sometimes a language takes off because it has good parts. The ability to sprinkle in functional programming to an iterative language is good. The more functional patterns you add the better. Instead of making a language meet the...
Use puppeteer. It's the powerful shit. There is a reason they call me the scrapist.
What does Goat Matrix have to do to make this list?