I haven't changed the layout of my video game website ['Playstation couch'](https://playstationcouch.com/home.php) in a while and I'm seriously thinking of giving it a makeover. I'm confused and don't know which visual template to choose, so I've come up with two that I think are the most elegant and simple and I'd like your opinion. **First model** ![first m](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ff/94/7e/ff947e9abb5385bf6dd003171ab54af8.png) **Second model** ![secund m](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/a6/85/eda6858bd89c8667922a83039b2f2982.jpg) should i change or keep the existing layout? Help me with your honest opinion
1 looks like a layout made for mobile devices. 2 seems more info dense: like you can fit more good info on the screen at a glance. i prefer functionally over looks, 2 is more utilitarian.
then I'll go for 2
Option 2 for sure
what interested me most about the first option is the fact that the categories are arranged in bricks and on the home page