This content is for those who want to learn an alternative to Mysql or Sqlite. In this post, we'll look at the first steps to take with PostgreSql. ## <br>1. installing PostgreSQL **a) Choose your environment**: - Linux (Ubuntu/Debian): ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib ``` - **Windows/MacOS**: Download the official PostgreSQL installer from []( **b) Start the service**: - On Linux: ```bash sudo systemctl start postgresql ``` - On Windows: The service is configured automatically when installing. --- ## <br>2. Accessing PostgreSQL **a) Using the `psql` client**: - Log in as the default user: ```bash sudo -u postgres psql ``` - Create a new user: ```sql CREATE USER seu_usuario WITH PASSWORD 'your_pass'; ALTER USER seu_usuario WITH SUPERUSER; ``` **b) Graphical interfaces (optional)**: - Use tools such as pgAdmin (comes in the installer) or other GUIs such as DBeaver, DataGrip, or Beekeeper Studio. --- ## <br>3. Basic configuration **a) Change the `postgres` user password (optional)**: - Log in with `psql` and change the password: ```sql ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'new_pass'; ``` **b) Change permissions in the `pg_hba.conf` file**: Locate the file: Usually in `/etc/postgresql/{version}/main/pg_hba.conf` or in the installation folder on Windows. Configure it to accept external connections by changing `local` or `` to ``. --- ## <br>4. Creating your first database **a) Create database**: ```sql CREATE DATABASE my_db; ``` **b) Connect to the created database**: ```bash \c my_db ``` --- ## <br>5. Basic commands - Create a table: ```sql CREATE TABLE usuarios ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, nome VARCHAR(50), email VARCHAR(100), criado_em TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); ``` - Enter data: ```sql INSERT INTO usuarios (nome, email) VALUES ('João', ''); ``` - Consult data: ```sql SELECT * FROM usuarios; ``` --- ## <br>6. Advanced configuration (optional) **a) Enable useful extensions**: - To enable extensions such as pgcrypto (for hashes, etc.): ```sql CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; ``` **b) Configure backups**: - Use the `pg_dump` utility for backups: ```bash pg_dump -U postgres meu_banco > backup.sql ``` --- ## <br>7. Learning resources - Official documentation: []( - Practice SQL commands on small databases before scaling to production. Following these steps puts you on the right path to mastering PostgreSQL!