Dynamic DOM page counters Element Objects

Elements are objects and can hold values just like any other object. Expanding on how each element can track values as separate object property values while sharing the same function for the click event. This exercise will demonstrate how to get values from elements, and how to use values from elements to get property values and apply them to other page elements. This exercise will demonstrate how to create page elements dynamically and how to use a global value to easily be able to update the page contents. Use of document.createElement() to dynamically create page elements and how to append them to the web page with appendChild(). Dynamically create page buttons that can be used to count totals separately. Create a button to output all the result totals. Only using JavaScript NO HTML elements. Store values of the page elements, get the values from the page elements and output the results to the web page. Dynamic Page counters with JavaScript: 1. Create a global object to set the number of buttons to be created 2. Create a main page element that will contain all the new elements 3. Create a function to create page elements, adding the element type to a parent object. Include a parameter in the function for the inner content of the element. 4. Loop through and create all the buttons, set a default total of 0 for each one. On click create a function that will update and output the current value of this element total. You can add styling to the buttons 5. Add a class of “btn” to each new button so that they can be distinguished from the main total tally button. Create a button that will output all the current button total results. 6. When the tally button is clicked create a function that will select all the elements with a class of “btn” and loop through them. 7. For each element with the class of “btn” create a new list item element, output that into an unordered list on the main page. The list item contents should show the element total and the element textContent. You can also select the style to match the button style property values. ```html <body> <script src="app.js"></script> </body> ``` ```js const val = { num: 2 }; const main = elemaker('div',document.body,''); const output = elemaker('div',main,''); for(let i=0; i < val.num; i++){ const btn = elemaker('button','main',`Button #${i+1}`); btn.total = 0; btn.style.backgroundColor = '#'+Math.random().toString(16).slice(2,8); btn.style.color = 'white'; btn.classList.add('btn'); btn.onclick = adder; } const output1 = elemaker('div',main,''); const btnMain = elemaker('button',main,`All Totals`); btnMain.onclick = () => { const btns = document.querySelectorAll('.btn'); output1.innerHTML = ''; const ul = elemaker('ul',output1,''); btns.forEach((ele,index)=>{ const li = elemaker('li',ul,`${ele.textContent} = ${ele.total}`); li.style.backgroundColor = ele.style.backgroundColor; li.style.color = ele.style.color; }) } function elemaker(eleT,parent,html){ const ele = document.createElement(eleT); ele.innerHTML = html; return parenta.appendChild(ele); } function adder(e){ this.total++; output.style.backgroundColor= this.style.backgroundColor; output.innerHTML = `${this.textContent}:(${this.total})`; } ``` if the post was useful to you, leave your comment here.

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