```html <div align="center"><br><br> <h2>Web Clock</h2><br> </div> <table bgcolor="green" align="center"> <tr><td><div id="showClock"></div></td></tr> </table> ``` The app.js ```js function webClock(){ let dataObj = new Date(); let hours = dataObj.getHours(); let minutes = dataObj.getMinutes(); let seconds = dataObj.getSeconds(); if(minutes <= 9) minutes = "0" + segunds Eclock = "<font size='7' color='white' face='Arial black'>" +hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds+"</font>" showClock.innerHTML=Eclock; setTimeout("webClock()", 1000); } webClock(); ``` this script helps us to add a link to our website. this can be important as they interact more with your website. modify the code or leave your version here.
if you want to create a more robust or even simplified version of the code, you can create a post and I'll comment on it ;-)