Don't use database in everything you programme... use JSON

Exchanging a database for a JSON file to store information may be an appropriate choice in some specific situations. Here are some scenarios in which this might be appropriate: ### <br>1. Small-scale applications: + When the volume of data is small and does not require a complex database system. + Simple applications or personal projects that don't require complex queries or high concurrency. ### <br>2. Prototyping and Initial Development: + During the initial phases of development or prototyping, where simplicity is crucial. + It allows you to iterate quickly without the burden of setting up and managing a complete database. ### <br>3. Configurations and Initialisation Data: + Store application settings, initialisation parameters or static data that doesn't change often. + Makes it easy to read and write configurations without the need for a database system. ### <br>4. Read-Intensive Applications: + When data is mainly read and rarely written or updated. + Avoids the need for a database for data that doesn't change frequently. ### <brb>5. Simplicity and Portability: + For applications that need to be easily portable or deployed in different environments. + JSON is a widely supported format and easy to transport between systems. However, it is important to consider the limitations and cases in which a database may be more appropriate: + **Data Volume**: JSON files are not suitable for large volumes of data due to performance and scalability issues. + **Concurrency and Transactions**: Databases offer better support for concurrent and transactional operations. + **Complex Queries**: Databases allow for more complex and efficient queries, especially with large data sets. + **Data Security and Integrity**: Databases offer advanced security and integrity features and automatic backups. If your application falls into one of the scenarios where JSON is sufficient, then it may be a good choice. Otherwise, considering a database may offer more advantages in the long term. **JSON file representation** ```json [ { "id": 0, "name": "abcdEFGhij", "email": "wxyzUVW@example.com", "phone": "1234567890", "address": { "street": "klmnopqrstuv", "city": "abcdefghij", "postcode": "12345", "country": "klmnopqrst" } }, { "id": 1, "name": "mnopqrSTUV", "email": "ghijkLMN@example.com", "phone": "0987654321", "address": { "street": "wxyzabcdefg", "city": "mnopqrstuv", "postcode": "54321", "country": "abcdefghij" } }, { "id": 2, "name": "xyzABCDEfgh", "email": "opqrsTUV@example.com", "phone": "5678901234", "address": { "street": "ijklmnopqrs", "city": "cdefghijkl", "postcode": "67890", "country": "mnopqrstuv" } }, ... { "id": 99998, "name": "uvwxyzABC", "email": "LMNOPQR@example.com", "phone": "3456789012", "address": { "street": "defghijklmn", "city": "qrstuvwxyz", "postcode": "89012", "country": "abcdefghi" } }, { "id": 99999, "name": "ijklMNOPQR", "email": "stuvwXY@example.com", "phone": "9012345678", "address": { "street": "abcdefghijkl", "city": "mnopqrstuv", "postcode": "23456", "country": "uvwxyzabc" } } ] ```

(4) Comments

normally i use database instead json because the data is protected by password... json leave data unsecured...


I particularly use databases for large applications and websites that store very important information. I use JSON for simpler things. But I agree with you that a database is always worth more than a JSON file. By the way, what technologies have you been working with for your projects?


Without any logical reason, I hate JSON


but it is important for storing data in small applications

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