Conclusion [Tutorial] Text arranger with html5

![canvas](https://html5hacks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/html5-3.jpg) ```js function canvasHeightChanged(e) { var target = e.target; theCanvas.height = target.value; drawScreen(); } function canvasStyleSizeChanged(e) { var styleWidth = document.getElementById("canvasStyleWidth"); var styleHeight = document.getElementById("canvasStyleHeight"); var styleValue = "width:" + styleWidth.value + "px; height:" + styleHeight.value +"px;"; theCanvas.setAttribute("style", styleValue ); drawScreen(); } function createImageDataPressed(e) { var imageDataDisplay = document.getElementById("imageDataDisplay"); imageDataDisplay.value = theCanvas.toDataURL(); window.open(imageDataDisplay.value,"canvasImage","left=0,top=0,width=" + theCanvas.width + ",height=" + theCanvas.height + ",toolbar=0,resizable=0"); } } ``` Having reached the character limit on the site in the first post, I decided to finish it by posting the final part. A very comprehensive tutorial for those who enjoy working with images, JavaScript, and HTML5. I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to leave your comments because the research was extensive, and I believe it can be useful for you. Thank you.

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