Some questions for programmers

1. What is or was the best programming platform you've ever used? 2. Why you stopped using it (if you no longer use it)? 3. Where have you been lately, what platform have you used the most lately? 4. Name some of the things you hate most about websites for programmers. 5. If you owned one of them, what things would you implement to make your customers comfortable with your service? 6. What sites for programmers should do to minimize or even stop AI content posted on them? 7. Do you think **chat-to.dev** can make a positive contribution to this community? 8. Name some elements that should be improved or added to **chat-to.dev** Answer as many questions as you can, because that's how you help us bring better quality of service to all of us.

(1) Comments

**Answering some of the questions**: 1.a: at the beginning of my learning I used a lot of facebook groups as a source of research and also Stackoverflow 2.a: I stopped using Facebook groups because, over time, some of them turned into a conspiracy and strayed too far from the essence of the group. 6.a: I think simply banning anything that appears to be AI content 7.a: I wouldn't be the right person to answer that one. But, yes, I think chat-to.dev is a tool that contributes some quality content to provide a good learning experience.

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