Docspedia has open positions.

Not sure where else to put this as trends doesn't exactly fit the bill. Anyways real quick. If your looking for educational resources (or other i guess) docspedia is a private tracker that has about 5500 open positions, meaning that you dont need an invite to join. <br> I was invited a while ago before there were open positions and in my time ive found plenty of great edu resources for programming and other technical references. As it is a private tracker uploads are scrutinized more to make sure the content is safe which is not what you would get from a public tracker. Link is [here](https://docspedia.world) Dont be stupid with your ratio and still cover your bases when torrenting anything, from anywhere.

(1) Comments

Large torrents are free so it wont hurt your ratio aslong as you seed it back for atleast 2 days, even if no one leaches from you itll not consider it a hit and run.

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