Examples of using data manipulation libraries in R

1. **dplyr**: This is a highly popular library for data manipulation in R. It offers intuitive functions for filtering, selecting, reordering, and summarizing data.Example: ```r library(dplyr) # Filtering rows based on a condition filtered_data <- filter(data, column_name > 100) # Selecting specific columns selected_data <- select(data, column1, column2) # Grouping data by a variable and calculating summary statistics summarised_data <- data %>% group_by(grouping_variable) %>% summarise(mean_value = mean(numeric_variable)) ``` 2. **tidyr**: This library is used for data manipulation related to organization and cleaning, especially for converting data between wide and long formats.Example: ```r library(tidyr) # Converting from long to wide format wide_data <- spread(long_data, key = variable_name, value = value_column) # Converting from wide to long format long_data <- gather(wide_data, key = variable_name, value = value_column, -id_column) ``` 3. **data.table**: This is an optimized library for fast manipulation of large datasets in R.Example: ```r library(data.table) # Filtering rows based on a condition filtered_data <- data_table_object[column_name > 100] # Sorting data by a variable sorted_data <- data_table_object[order(column_name)] # Calculating summary statistics by group summarised_data <- data_table_object[, .(mean_value = mean(numeric_variable)), by = grouping_variable] ``` 4. **ggplot2**: This is a powerful library for creating graphics in R, allowing sophisticated and customized visualizations of your data.Example: ```r library(ggplot2) # Creating a scatter plot ggplot(data, aes(x = variable1, y = variable2)) + geom_point() + labs(title = "Scatter Plot", x = "Variable X", y = "Variable Y") ``` 5. **reshape2**: This library is useful for reshaping datasets, especially for transforming between long and wide formats.Example: ```r library(reshape2) # Transforming data from wide to long format melted_data <- melt(wide_data, id.vars = c("id_column")) # Transforming data from long to wide format casted_data <- dcast(long_data, formula = id_column ~ variable_name, value.var = "value_column") ``` 6. **readr**: This library provides efficient functions for reading data files in formats such as CSV, TSV, and others, quickly and easily.Example: ```r library(readr) # Reading a CSV file data <- read_csv("file.csv") # Reading a TSV file data <- read_tsv("file.tsv") ``` 7. **stringr**: This library is useful for string manipulation in data, offering functions for pattern matching, text substitution, substring extraction, among other operations.Example: ```r library(stringr) # Extracting part of a string substring <- str_sub(string, start = 1, end = 5) # Replacing a pattern with another modified_string <- str_replace(string, pattern = "pattern", replacement = "replacement") ``` 8. **forcats**: This library is used for manipulation of factors in R, allowing reordering, renaming, and other operations on factors.Example: ```r library(forcats) # Reordering levels of a factor reordered_factor <- fct_relevel(factor_variable, "level1", "level2", ...) # Renaming levels of a factor renamed_factor <- fct_recode(factor_variable, "level1" = "new_level1", "level2" = "new_level2", ...) ``` These libraries offer useful functionalities for a variety of data manipulation tasks in R, from reading and cleaning to visualization and analysis.

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