Top 5 podcasts for programmers

Here's a list of the best podcasts for programmers in the United States: 1. **Software Engineering Daily**: This podcast is hosted by **Adam Struhl** and **Eugene Wang**, and covers a wide range of topics related to software engineering, from web and mobile development to system design and software architecture. ![first](https://justinctlam.com/assets/images/sedios.jpg) 2. **Software Engineering Radio**: This podcast is hosted by **Casey Winters** and **Kareem Rizk**, and features interviews with software engineers working at some of the world's largest technology companies, such as Google, Facebook and Amazon. ![second](https://i0.wp.com/www.braveterry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/se-radio.logo_.png?w=660) 3. **The Changelog**: This podcast is presented by **Adam Aulbach** and **Jeremy Olson**, and covers the latest news and trends in the world of software development. ![second](https://cdn.changelog.com/static/images/share/twitter-podcast-0fed02e920a2ff887b9c8ccac88925e1.png) 4. **DevOps Paradox**: This podcast is hosted by **Matt Vanderaar** and **Alan Davis**, and explores the intersection of software development and operations. ![second](https://ssl-static.libsyn.com/p/assets/f/e/d/d/fedd4487748afacdd959afa2a1bf1c87/dop131-the-cloud-skills-shortage-is-worse-than-you-think.jpg) 5. **Coding Blocks**: This podcast is hosted by **Jesse Hollinger**, and covers a wide range of topics related to software development, with a focus on programming languages such as JavaScript, Python and Ruby. ![lastone](https://cdn.player.fm/images/10684/series/jSoS4mG6DR0F3kTl/512.jpg) If I've missed any or should remove any from this list, please let me know in the comments. or even list the best ones for you

(1) Comments

The last good programmer of modern culture was Terry Davis. - [Simplicity](https://youtu.be/k0qmkQGqpM8) - [The Hardest Question In Programming](https://youtu.be/4K8IEzXnMYk)

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