Comparative analysis of programming languages for beginners.

When you're new to programming, it's very difficult to choose a programming language. Each one has its own advantages and unique features. Today we're going to show you some of the most common languages for beginners. ![soft](https://www.advansoft.ae/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/5-Mobile-App-Development-Best-.jpg) **Python** - is known for its simple syntax and readability, making it very accessible for beginners. A multi-paradigm language, which means it can be used for a wide range of applications, including web development, data analysis, automation, artificial intelligence and much more. Python has a huge and active community, which means there are plenty of learning resources available, such as tutorials, documentation and discussion forums. **Javascript** - is the most widely used programming language for web development, which makes it a valuable choice for anyone wishing to learn how to create interactive websites. Javascript is the standard programming language for front-end web development, and learning JavaScript allows beginners to create dynamic and interactive websites. With it you can find a wide variety of libraries and frameworks, such as React, Angular and Vue.js, which make it easy to develop modern web applications. **Java** - is an object-oriented language, which can be an advantage for beginners who want to learn fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming. Java is a strongly typed language, which means that type errors are detected at compile time, providing a safer and more robust experience for beginners. You can find a vast amount of learning resources, including books, tutorials and online courses. **Scratch** - is a visual programming language designed specifically for children, but is also suitable for beginners of all ages. Colorful code blocks are dragged and dropped to create programs, which makes learning programming concepts more accessible and fun. Scratch emphasizes programming logic and algorithmic thinking, preparing beginners for more advanced textual programming languages in the future. It also has an active community of users and a wide range of educational resources, such as tutorials and shared projects, which encourage collaborative learning and creativity. But of course this choice depends on individual interests, learning objectives and specific projects. `Python` is often recommended due to its ease of learning and versatility, but other languages such as `JavaScript`, `Java` and `Scratch` also have their own merits and can be excellent choices, depending on personal preferences and the learning context. In order not to be identified as an AI🤖, I've taken care to choose the best words and provide the best content (and it was a lot of work). So if you liked the post or it helped you in any way, don't hesitate to leave a comment and give it a thumbs up. Thank you

(4) Comments

`@fschmidt` i actually have this book, but i never gave it much thought. i'm going to extract some content from it and post it here


JavaJuggler, A good book that discusses some of Javascript's problems and how to deal with them is [JavaScript: The Good Parts](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0026OR2ZY/).


Why do you think Javascript is disgusting? It's cross-platform, making it one of the best and most widely used. Let's not mention the fact that it gave rise to several frameworks


For programmers who aren't modern scum (members of depraved modern culture), I started <u>[a programming course](http://www.reactionary.software/learn.html)</u>. I started with Bash because it is most interactive and all good programmers need the shell. While JavaScript is a disgusting language, all web programmers needed it, so this is the next programming language in my list. And for general programming, I recommend my own programming language <u>[Luan](http://www.luan.software/)</u> because it is much simpler than anything else available. Python and Java aren't bad, and can be learned later.